Name: Lili Maero Grade: 11th Grade School: Le Jardin Academy Title: The Stairway to Heaven Medium: Pastel Reflection: Following family...
Keanan Oviedo “Mankind and his Flower”+
Name: Keanan Oviedo Grade: 11th Grade School: Le Jardin Academy Title: Mankind & His Flower Medium: Pastel Reflection: I pondered...
Mia Cremer “Busy Bus Stop Blues”+
Name: Mia Cremer Grade: 11th Grade School: Le Jardin Academy Title: Busy Bus Stop Blues Medium: Pastel Reflection: I have been...
Nicol Tanaka “Local Pup”+
Name: Nicol Tanaka Grade: 11th Grade School: Le Jardin Academy Title: Local Pup Medium: Pastel Reflection: Although this work of...
Christian Jones “Floating Away”+
Name: Christian Jones Grade: 11th Grade School: Le Jardin Academy Title: Floating Away Medium: Pastel Reflection: This perspective of place...
Leah Ford “Speckled Street”+
Name: Leah Ford Grade: 11th Grade School: Le Jardin Academy Title: Speckled Street Medium: Pastel Reflection: This shows my perspective...
Sean Harding “Man vs. Wild”+
Name: Sean Harding Grade: 11th Grade School: Le Jardin Academy Title: Mam v.s. Wild Medium: Pastel on Pastel Board Reflection:...