Ansel Adams (American, 1902-1984)Sanchez Family, Wailuku Plantation, Maui, 1958Collection Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona© 2013 The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights TrustWe asked community members to tell us a little bit about why this particular image captivated them. Here are some of their responses…
“The light and lines in this photograph!! The girl behind the mailbox looks nice and there is so much honesty in his subjects and works even though you know they were constructed for a specific composition.” – Bernadette B.
“The first one caught my eye captures family life in Hawai`i very well.” – Anthony H.
“There are so many visual things to key into that shows the diversity of how Hawai`i was before becoming a state…race, family structure, school uniform, and how those little old house from this time are still such a visual icon of living in Hawai`i.” – Richard“I feel like I’m about to enter their life with a warm e komo mai” – Stef M.
“It is perfectly composed and the light balance is flawless. It also evokes the ethos of the 50’s extremely well.” – Anthony W.
“It looks like it could’ve been taken yesterday. Nothing changes too quickly here.” – Andrew L.
How does this image captivate you? Did the artistic composition catch your eye? Do you have a personal connection to the subject?
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